Why I am not blogging so much right now…

Why I am not blogging so much right now...

Well, I havent written anything in a while, I am kind of busy getting to know this guy, giving him the best possible start in life… and I can tell you, it is not hard, Gustavo is the coolest dude I know, he barely ever cries, sleeps all night long and smiles all the time. This is so cool! You people out there thinking about having kids or not, I promise you, there is really nothing that beats this, and its getting even better every day. Soon we will play fotball on the beach… Gustavo is da man!!

Now we are changing to summer time here in Brasil and at the same time winter is approaching in Sweden and I can hardly wait to travel to our beutiful country to spend Christmas with my family. I just know Gustavo will enjoy the crispy weather, the snow and of course santa, everyone knows he lives in the north of Sweden…

Tudo bem!

I’m a punk rocker, yes I am!

I'm a punk rocker, yes I am!

They’re forming in a straight line
They’re goin through a tight wind
The kids are losing their minds
Blitzkreig Bop
They’re piling in the backseat
They’re generation steam heat
Pulsating to the back seat
Blitzkreig Bop
Hey Ho Lets Go
Shoot em’ in the back now
What they want, I don’t know
They’re all reved up and ready to go

Great service but not great shape…

When you join the gym in Brasil there is always a mandatory health check. As it turned out this is not something I tried before and I can tell you it is something I will remember. I have done general health checks before, checked my physical age and such things but in Sweden, where I this was done, your results are delivered with great care, a whole lot of diplomacy and wrapped in small little fluffy cotton balls. “There are some areas of improvements”… haha… well, here it is more straight to the point… this is your result, this is the median for your age and here is what you need to do to not have health problems, break your knee when playing football on the beach or… well, just do it you hear! So now I am sitting here, zipping on my very cold and tasty Belgium beer my wife had the good taste to give me a few weeks back. I am thinking about some old lyrics from an REM song, “This is the end of the world as you know it” if I do not remember it wrong. Ok, so, I have all the facts, she also actually sad that my condition, the pump, my heart is in excellent shape, I just need to make the other parts catch up. These last words are mine, my coach did not say anything more than already stated. So, in about 8 hours my first coached gym training will start, already have 3-4 classes of Muay Thai per week so ok, lets give it a go.

I realise that this is exactly what I do for my clients. I do a check-up, compare the results to some sort of norm and give them the way. I have also learned, in the last few projects, that I need to cut some of the “company bullshit” and the diplomacy, the Brasilians like to get the facts, without the fluffy cotton as it seems… hahaha… I am so used to this more “sensitive” approach in all aspects of life but this I actually welcome, I am all for awareness. Also, there is nothing more motivating that having a really sucky start position, you just know that the only way is up, up, up… and it is a sweet ride, in a few months, the first time is all about having a thick fore head, being motivated and focused.

So, here we go, lets see who is in the best shape at Christmas time shall we?

Tudo bem?

// Brassenick

Soreness from Muay thai and breakfast with G

On friday I did my first Muay thai training for several months, with Gibi Muay thai, and what a training it was! Also a great proof of what kind of effort I have to put in to get to great shape. Me and my jump rope will soon be the best of friends… Haha… Today, my legs and “abs” are screaming from pain, its good to be alive!

Right now me and Gustavo are having breakfast at our favourite bakery, we also have many fans, well, to be honest it is Gustavo, “nossa, que lindo” (wow, cutie), well it is for me too since he has my face, right? Hahaha

On wednesday I am finishing of the remake of my tattoo, found a really great place too. Already considering the next…

Last, but not least, the reggae strategy with G works great. Bobby calms him down and he goes berserk to the Swedish reggae Kapten Röd. I am very pleased with this!

Have a great sunday everyone!!

// Brassenick

Let’s get ready to ruuuuuumble!!

Did my first boxing session today, after only running sporadically for the last 4-5 months. Amazing how much energy is needed to first “give birth” to a company and thereafter Gustavo, well, I did not do much in the actual birth, just sidekicking and making sure everyone was great, but anyway. However, found a good gym close to the house and the first class was a real trigger. Funny enough the not-so-good movie, Rocky… hmm… 12 (??) was showing on TV during dinner. Rocky did some sort of a comeback and managed to take the usual beating without using his guard for 10 rounds against the undefeated champion with 30 KOs in a row. Haha… well, I do not see any parallell first of all, but its still funny. Also, a great proof of how some people never will realise just how pathetic it is to try to gain more from yesterdays success. Hey, and I still mean Rocky!!

But, still, great to be starting up again, this weeks free “tryout” of the gym will also include some gym training and than the treat of the week on friday, Muay Thai, psyked pra caramba!

So, lets try to improve ourselves just a little bit right? Box on!

Father and son

We’re having lunch, Gustavo and myself. Today is “dia dos pais” (fathers day) in Brasil so of course we have to go out. Well, he is actually not eating, but anyway, great stuff!!

Roof top wisdom

It is midnight after a warm Brasilian winters day, it is still about 20 degrees. Enjoying some of the golden things in life an are doing some reflecting.

My son, Gustavo, is almost 6 weeks, I see myself in him and feel the deep connection. The company is doing great, just landed a new project today. Life is good! Also really looking forward to the trip to Sweden in december, want to see my family and my friends of course.

But there is one thing missing.

My form is not good and I miss training so now the time has come to do something about that!

After all, life is standing on three main pillars, three legs; your relations (family, friends), your career and your health. I’ve been working hard on the first two.

However, being a great fan of equilibrio, balance, it is really simple. Life is about choices, focus, karma and about being the best person you can be. Not every day but most of them. I think it was Vince Lombardi that said:

Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s a all time thing! Winning is a habit!

Of course not everything is about winning but many things are. The greatest obstacle for winning, for being truly happy, for reaching your goals, are yourself. Each and every person on this planet are great and capable of remarkable things.

Well, perhaps some of the “golden things” is having some effect.. Hehe… but I still think we all need to allow ourselves to be this great, follow our dreams and, most of all try hard to be happy. In doing so we will also make them we care about happy.

So, lets really try ok?

Over and out, cheers and “skål och gutår” as we say in Sweden!

// Brassenick